Tuesday Open House
Tuesday Open House is the pastor’s initiative outreach ministry to expand knowledge of persons with Norwegian interests and/or background about Mindekirken and Norwegian culture via five areas of interest. Areas are: Norwegian literature, historic/contemporary Norwegian life, music, theology/faith/life, and art. The program provides an opportunity for fellowship, a time for devotions, a time to eat a lunch and always interesting presentations.

Tuesdays, September-May, in Fellowship Hall
10:30 a.m. Doors open
11-11:30 a.m. Lunch is available
11:45 a.m. Welcome and Announcements
12-1:00 p.m. Program presentation
$10 donation per person upon entry includes lunch and program
In case of a snow event, please check the homepage or call the office for any updates before coming.
Please include the number in your party and the date of the presentation you're registering for via email: reservations@mindekirken.org
Upcoming Presentations
- Tue, Apr 01Bill will walk us through the process of song translation and we will conclude by singing together—in honor of our Norwegian ancestors—his English version of this great immigrant song.
- Tue, Apr 08Odd S. Lovoll will speak about Civil War hero Hans Christian Heg within a broad historical and social context. Heg, who immigrated at age 11 with his family to Muskego, Wisconsin, became an outspoken anti-slavery activist who enjoyed a notable career in local and state politics.
- Tue, Apr 15Dennis was among the first men hired as a flight attendant at Northwest Orient Airlines. Come hear stories about being a flight attendant in the days when flight attendants had to have “look”, weigh in before flights and portray an image.
- Tue, Apr 22Listeners will enjoy learning about Hauge’s spoken words and best selling books sparked a spiritual renewal in the Lutheran churches of Norway. An artful tabletop of exhibit and portraits, photographs and Nordic artifacts will be displayed.